my take on things - comments about all the world and his brother
utemia's Articles In International
December 1, 2009 by utemia
On Sunday, Switzerland had a referendum regarding a building regulation concerning minarettes. Henceforth, it is illegal to build new ones. The swiss government didn't really believe that the referendum would be successful and has since tried to do damage control. They are concerned about how this vote might reflect on their foreign relations and location for international banking. It might be bad for business, and according to criticism the ban violates the human rights of freedom of religion. ...
July 4, 2009 by utemia
I grew up in Germany. Patriotism is a very ambivalent issue here because honestly, if you are proud to be a german it is often just equalled to being a Neonazi. Honouring our soldiers on memorial day would mean honouring soldiers that commited crimes against humanity and were fighting for a country that was guillty for causing 2 world wars. Honouring our flag falls into that same category. So when we have a memorial day we do not honour our fallen soldiers but mourn rather those whose death we ...