my take on things - comments about all the world and his brother

Just a few weeks ago I watched a really cool documentary about the Bikini and its origin. The bikini was created in 1946 by a french designer. Coincidentally, the US had started a series of nuclear tests "for the benefit of mankind" on the Bikini atolls, and because it was a provocative isse the fashion designer named his invention after said atoll. Sexbomb refers to that insofar as the name bikini derives from the nuclear bomb tests, so a hot woman wearing a bikini became a sexbomb.. It liberated woman around the world, it is quite fascinating to look at the cultural victory march of so little a piece of cloth during the last 63 years.

on Sep 18, 2009

It liberated woman around the world, it is quite fascinating to look at the cultural victory march of so little a piece of cloth during the last 63 years

while i appreciate the point you're trying to make, i'm not so sure bikinis can accurately be characterized as having seriously worked to liberate women anywhere much less "around the world".  there are far too many global shores bereft of anything close to what westerners now consider appropriate swimwear for women and no bikini is likely to be seen for decades to come.

it was a provocative isse

much, much more than that even for those who were merely relocated from their ancestral home.  literally an issue of life or death for less fortunate others who were immediately contaminated by deadly fallout at close range as well as those whom, decades later, were repatriated prematuirely only to be removed once again--but not before they too were exposed to such toxic levels of radiation that decimated rathr than liberated the island's women.

12 years ago, the international atomic energy agency issued this pronouncement: 

"It is safe to walk on all of the islands ... although the residual radioactivity on islands in Bikini Atoll is still higher than on other atolls in the Marshall islands, it is not hazardous to health at the levels measured ... The main radiation risk would be from the food: eating locally grown produce, such as fruit, could add significant radioactivity to the body...Eating coconuts or breadfruit from Bikini Island occasionally would be no cause for concern. But eating many over a long period of time without having taken remedial measures might result in radiation doses higher than internationally agreed safety levels."

pretty amusing when ya consider islanders have traditionally eaten a whole lotta coconuts and breadfruit over the course of their lives.

on Sep 19, 2009

What?! No Pictures???

on Sep 19, 2009

lol bfd. no pictures, but be sure to pick up a swimsuit edition to refresh your memories in case you forgot what it looks like

Kingbee, true enough. but the bikini did liberate woman, sadly not around the world but in a lot of places where once very traditionalist patriarchical society structures existed and exist like South america, Europe, the US. To show off your body if you had it and walk basically "naked" was pretty radical, especially if you consider what sort of swimswear was custom just around 1900.. Just think back of the US during the 50ies.. it took a while until it was accepted as normal fashion even in the US.

It is a crying shame what happened on the Bikini atoll, and people should remember it more. For the benefit of mankind, my ass.