my take on things - comments about all the world and his brother
Published on July 15, 2009 By utemia In Blogging

I just read this on CNN: Cemetery workers accused of reselling plots, and apparently it is a huge thing. But from my standpoint it is pretty normal to do just that. In Germany you have to rent your grave and pay for it for 25 years. If the grave isn't rerented and paid for, the grave will be bulldozed and get a new tenant.. There is not enough space to have a final resting place forever, and once the body has gone dust to dust there is no reason to reserve that spot, unless the family explicitly does and pays for another 25 years. I'm not sure how the rule is for mausoleums and kryptas, if they are privately owned things might be different.

It is a luxury to have enough space to have enough graves for everybody.. that sounded better in my head. Regions that have been densly populated for a long long time never really had the option. I find it completely normal to reuse used plots when the person in there has been dead for a long long time and no family is around to remember.


on Jul 15, 2009

I look at it all in a simple way: Rest in Peace, not pieces.


Be well, ~Alderic

on Jul 15, 2009

I look at it in a pragmatic way: Rest in peace for 25 years and the no pieces are left anyway.

Also, our cemeteries look different, you can't drive on them with your car, you have to walk. It is more like a garden - with walls surrounding the whole thing and walkways and benches, a chapel for services. Size varies, depending on where you live, big or small city. It used to be just next to the church in the middle of the city during the middle ages.

Reusing plots is not disrespect, here its a necessity.

This is what a typical german cemetary looks like


on Jul 15, 2009

Mmm, nothing wrong with that; it's all differences in culture. To each their own.


Be well, ~Alderic

on Jul 15, 2009

That's why I want to be cremated (spelling?) and thrown into the wind or the ocean. I don't want to take up space and want to be remembered in their hearts not in a hole in the ground. But that's just me.

on Jul 15, 2009

That's why I want to be cremated (spelling?)

Now if you had said you wanted to be creme-ated, that would be interesting, lol. I actually want to be (cremated) as well, then have my ashes spread.


Edit: Using "to do that," after making a smart ass comment only made me look like the ass.

on Jul 16, 2009

then have my ashes spread.

Your what?

on Jul 16, 2009

Your what?


Ashes, A-s-h-e-s.

Not ass, that happens when I sit down.  

Be well, ~Alderic 


P.S. If you really are ignorant of it, then go look it up on wikipedia.

on Jul 16, 2009

P.S. If you really are ignorant of it, then go look it up on wikipedia.

Your ass is on Wikipedia?

on Jul 16, 2009

Your ass is on Wikipedia?


Touche, you got me there; I was actually referring to you, look under douche. Kidding aside, I was talking about the process of cremating someone's body.

on Jul 16, 2009

I was actually referring to you, look under douche.

Not so bad, considering where they go.

on Jul 16, 2009

Not so bad, considering where they go.


Mmm, to each their own; I would prefer not to be a douche, but if that floats your boat then go for it.


Be well, ~Alderic

on Jul 19, 2009

Not ass, that happens when I sit down.

I bet it also happens at other times. jk