my take on things - comments about all the world and his brother
Published on June 8, 2009 By utemia In Humor

My neighbor growing up had this really great idea for solving the energy problem. He hated joggers and cyclers with a passion and proposed to ban such activities alltogether and instead make people with the urge to exercise run in gigantic treadmills to produce electricity.. Do something for your health AND your economy AND your environment - all rolled in one! Triple benefit.. also applicable to prisons, recess in elementary school (honestly, who has more energy than little kids?) and other institutions. It would be green, it would be absolutely emission free - depending on your fitness though - and it could be the new family activity. Uniting the country for a green cause!

on Jun 09, 2009

I had a similar concept... we do away with unemployment and instead open centers with cycles where people generate power.

People get paid to go cycle... and we do away with needlessly paying people money cause they're too lazy to go find jobs...

the problem is this will put a few business out of business.

on Jun 09, 2009

Even better solution - put heat exchangers at any place where politicians gather. All that hot air could fuel the world indefinitely.

on Jun 10, 2009

I like those ideas, they can be all incorporated in a radical new job-creation measure for all those useless lazy people. Lets just NOT call those places gulags - it gives off the wrong idea..